15 de abr. de 2014

I don't want. We don't care

The silence fills enough, when what's spoken determines a subject. Patience comes along to the rythm of ideologies.

Each step foward demands a kind of behavior. Until, an enthusiasm forces us to act surrounded by our self inner, and social psycology. The contradiction integrates methods of thinking about unity.  Aiming to find out my way to organise communication, It (diary reflection) clarifies to me people's relationship in favor of reaching control of reality. Also, the imperceptible hipocrisy of desires. Develop manners to not involve the core of who is matter. On this hand, the respectful living together takes over and, a simple conversation during the day, becomes more significant.

To politics progress toward the tendency of moral, one by one should think out the meaning of having things to satisfy the identity as brand of human standard.

Rubens Barizon -writing in a rainy day.

"O futuro do singular faz parte da pluralidade "

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